Moving Checklist
Send change of address to:
- Post Office: give forwarding address
- Charge accounts, credit cards
- Subscriptions: notice requires several weeks
- Friends and relatives
- Bank: transfer funds, arrange check-cashing in new city
- Insurance: life, health, fire, and auto
- Automobile: transfer of car title registration, driver's license, city windshield sticker, motor club membership
- Utility companies (gas, light, water, telephone, fuel): arrange for refunds of any deposits and service in new town)
- School records: ask for copies or transfer of children's records.
- Health: medical, dental, prescription histories. Ask doctor and dentist for referrals, transfer needed prescriptions, x-rays
- Church, clubs, civic organizations: transfer memberships, get letters of introduction
- Pets: ask about regulations for licenses, vaccinations, tags, etc.
And don't forget to:
- Empty freezer: plan use of foods
- Defrost freezer/refrigerator: place charcoal to dispel odors
- Have appliances serviced for moving
- Remember arrangements for TV and antenna
- Clean rugs or clothing before moving; have them wrapped or packed
- Check insurance coverage, packing and unpacking labor, arrival day, various shipping papers, method and time of expected payment
- Plan for special care needs of infants and children
- Change over utilities to your new home one week prior to closing
And on moving day:
- Carry currency, jewelry, documents yourself or use registered mail
- Plan for transporting pets; they are poor traveling companions if unhappy
- Carry traveler's cheques for quick, available funds
- Let close friend or relative know your route and schedule, including overnight stops; use him/her as a message headquarters
- Leave all old keys needed by new tenant or owner with the real estate agent.
Moving Checklist for Kids
Your children may feel anxious and excited at the thought of a moving adventure. To ensure that they are most comfortable in their new surroundings here are some suggestions.
- Be sure to investigate the local children attractions in your new destination
- Park District Programs may be available for class enrollment
- Research the ages of children nearby
- Assist in getting the kids' rooms set up first
- Rental movies might help keep kids occupied as you begin to get moved into your new home
- Have snacks and drinks available on moving day
- Special book(s) or craft items and games may keep the kids occupied on moving day
- If the children are young, a babysitter may assist you in being responsible for the kids on the day you move into your new home.
- Have a change of clothes easily accessible for the kids
- Any medications that are taken on a regular basis should be accessible to you
Moving Checklist for Pets
Your pets require special care and attention when moving to a new location. Here are some suggestions on making the move as comfortable as possible:
Small dogs and cats can be flown by air transportation or driven along in the car. There are businesses that specialize in the transportation of pets. Your moving company may be able to supply you with names of pet movers or you may look in your phone directory business pages. If you are arriving in your new destination by air transportation, your pet(s) can ride along in the baggage compartment. If you choose to transport your pet(s) in this fashion, here is a quick checklist of items to consider:
- You must provide the airline carrier with a current health certificate from your veterinarian.
- Make sure to speak with the airlines about their specific rules and regulations regarding pet transportation. They may provide special shipping containers.
- If you have a container for your pet, make certain that it fits within the requirements of the airline carrier.
- Tranquilizers may be appropriate to obtain from your veterinarian to give to your pet prior to the trip.
- Something familiar to your pet such as a toy or an article of clothing or blanket may help your pet feel more comfortable during the flight.
If your pet is flying without you, be sure you have arranged for someone to pick up your pet. If you do not know anyone in the new destination, a local kennel can do that for you. Some kennels will board pets, which may assist you in the move as well.
If your pet(s) are traveling with you in the car, be sure to have their water bowl, leash and favorite toy.
Be sure to make frequent stops as pets can get carsick easily and being restricted in a car all day can make them nervous and upset. Some motels and hotels offer accommodations for pets. Be sure to plan your stay on the road ahead of time.
Smaller pets such as hamsters, birds and other small animals can be transported in the car fairly easily. Make sure that your pet has enough food and water in their cages and are kept out of drafts or extreme temperatures. Cover their cages to keep them quiet and calm.
Moving Checklist for Plants
It is best for the plants if you can transport them in the car. Here are some suggestions for moving your plants.
- Three weeks before you move, prune back your plants to make them hardier and less bulky for the trip.
- Two weeks before moving, place your plants in a black plastic bag with a pest/bug strip or pest control powder. Close the bag and place in a cool area overnight. This will kill any pests on the plants or in the soil.
- The day before your move, place plants in the travel containers. Cardboard boxes are preferable.
- Secure the plants by packing dampened newspaper or dampened packing paper around the base of the plants and soil. Use more paper to cushion the leaves and place a final layer of wet paper on top of the plants to keep them moist.
- On moving day, set the boxes aside so that the moving company does not load them onto the moving van.
- On moving day, close up the boxes and punch air holes in the top...load them into your car.
- While plants are in the car, take care not to leave the plants in extreme heat or cold.
- Unpack the plants as soon as you arrive. Remove plants from the bottom of the box in order to avoid breaking the stems.
- Gradually expose plants to sunlight to reduce shock.
- If you leave your plants behind, take cuttings. Put the cuttings in to a plastic bag with wet paper towels wrapped around the cuttings.
Have any questions about the moving process? Send us a message and we'll be happy to connect you with our recommended moving professionals!